Yesterday, we got set a task that requires us to work in pairs or small groups, I am working with my friend. We both have to contribute to the work obviously, but I know that my friend won't. Twice before now we have been set a task, we started it on the day it was set and she will help out, but after that it is like it is my responsibility... I do all the work, all the research and the final thing and she does nothing!!
What do I do? I am not exactly the most confident person so I can't tell her to get off her backside and do something, and if I say ';do you want to do that task now?'; it is guaranteed she will say ';What task?'; or ';I don't get it, can you do it?';
Help!College advice please guys? (About a friend at college?)?
Remind your friend that your tasks are meant to be worked on together, and that she needs to contribute something. Speak nicely, but firmly remind her that you don't feel comfortable doing most (if not all) of the work by yourself, and you need her help finishing it.
Or you can give her an incentive to work on it with you. You can offer to take her out for ice cream after you both finish your task. People are more willing to do things if they will get something good in return.
If your friend still won't work with you, you are going to need to find a new partner or group of people to work with, because your ';friend'; is too lazy to do any of the work. Find a new friend who is more than willing to work on the task with you and leave your old ';friend'; behind.College advice please guys? (About a friend at college?)?
Don't pair up with her anymore. If she confronts you about it, tell her you're sick of doing all the work all the time. I know it's hard to stand up to friends, but you'll feel so much better after doing it, and pairing up with someone who will actually participate.
Right ok tell her whats the problem if shes a real help she will change and help or chicken it and just see whose not got a partener and join with them.
Hmm, I know the type. You have a few choices oddly enough.
1. You can do as you did before and do all the work yourself (and get more annoyed in the process)
2. When she starts to shy away from the work you can tell her you are fed up with her attitude and lack of support and fall out with her (I know you don't fancy that idea)
3. You could do the same thing and say ';I don't get it either'; and ';Oh well, we'll just fail this task then'; (not sure how she will react but at least she won't get an easy ride and when the teacher confronts you about it, you can have a private word and tell him/her that you have a problem working with your, so called, friend)
4. You could approach another group and ask if you can work with them (this fits in nicely with 3 above and will avoid you getting in trouble with your Teacher)
In any event, you will have to distance yourself from this friend else she will always drag you down and you will never realise your true potential. Have you thought about Uni? When college is over, I doubt your friend will want to go on but you might and so you will drift apart then but you need to take some action now. You can always have a word with your personal tutor about the whole situation.
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