Hi, please dont be insulting or offensive or sarcastic or anything, I just want to know if everything is normal.
Im 17 and Ive been going out with my first ever boyfriend for 2 and a half months now. Hes my age. Firstly, Ive always wanted one of those relationships where you like know everything about each other down to the last little details and where you are comfortable around one another, each others family, can freely go round each others houses without ringing up in advance, and all that type of thing. We get on really well and stuff, but I wouldnt say we are exactly like that. And also its his birthday soon, but I havent got a clue what to get him as in something that he would genuinely like thats whats to do with what he likes. Would you say its because we havent been together all that long? My friend has been with her boyfriend for 6 months and they know each other inside out. Will it just take time, or will it never happen for me and my boyfriend?
Also, I really like him, like really really like him, ( I would say love but I would probably get a oad of grief as in 'im too young, it has only been a few months, but just so you get the idea that im not merely with him for the sake of having a boyfriend) but i still look at other guys and wonder what it would be like if I was with them. Is this wrong of me? I dont have feelings for them, i just think what it would be like.
His best friend always tells me he doubts we will last and gives me loads of grief, but then he hasnt ever had a girlfriend before.
Am I a bad girlfriend? Please help me. Im not sure what Im asking, im just looking for a little reassurance on the dating game. Any advice, previous experience, or anything nice would be appreciated :)
Thankyou (:NEW BOYFRIEND. Any advice going??? Guys AND girls please (:?
Nah of course you're not a bad girlfriend! (By the way I'm 15 and have never had a boyfriend so you're taking advice from someone who is a bit clueless to be honest). It sounds like you just haven't known each other a long time so you won't know EVERYTHING just yet but thats not a bad thing. Don't worry, as time goes on your knowledge of each other will grow.
His bestfriend sounds like an asshole, ignore him.
XNEW BOYFRIEND. Any advice going??? Guys AND girls please (:?
Ok I am not 17, add 30 odd years.
Firstly, don't listen to his mate or anyone elses, if it only lasts a couple of months, years etc so be it, take your time now and savour it, don't be worrying about the future, let that sort itself out.
Secondly, no you are not a bad girlfriend for checking out other guys. My fiancee does it all the time and I do it with other women, but we never do anything about it. Anyone who says they only have eyes for one person and means it in a literal sense is lying.
As for birthday presents, I have been with my Fiancee for 3 years and still never know what to get her for any occasion, hell, I dont even actually know how old she is!!! bout 35 I think LOL.
Just chill out and enjoy what you have now. Sure you will make mistakes but then show me someone who has never made a mistake and I will show you someone who has made nothing.
Hope it all works out, but most of all, enjoy yourself and have fun together. Make sure you both laugh alot.
Don't worry so much, its your first relationship and if you worry it might go wrong. just relax and enjoy being with him. if you've only been dating 2 and a half months you have lots of time to get to know each other, go for walks and talk about things. and most important make sure that he can feel comfortable around you too.
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