The guy I had a thing with for four months just ended it last week. He was the first person I hooked up with and I am so attached to him, emotionally. He knew how special it was to me and he just told me he doesn't feel the same about me as he did before and that he wants me to move on when he promised he wouldn't leave me. I do not know how to handle this, I miss him so much and I need him/want him back so bad. He made me so happy and now I feel so alone. Why would he do this to me? I don't think I did anything wrong...actually I know I didn't. I tried calling him and I started crying and told him how much I care about him and want him back and he told me to stop because sensitive people are his pet peeve and said goodnight. Why doesn't he care about my feelings? I was nothing bu nice to him and he knows I still like him. I am 16 and he is 17 by the way. Help :(How to get over a guy who used me? Advice from guys please?
i have had staph infections that have lasted longer than 4 months. get a grip.How to get over a guy who used me? Advice from guys please?
He is a jerk.. I m 15 amd I try to get my girlfriend to express her feeling but she doesn't.. I would talk to him and figure stuff out ( that is the best way to handle it) Good luck i hope everything goes well!!!
To get over him, meet another guy, f*ck him,its his lost, and never call him again because he will start calling you again but ignore him
just talk to him about it. and just talk to a conselour or something to get over him
He thinks hes too cool for you and that hes a player im really sorry that you had this type of boy break your hart hes not a guy or a man hes just a stupid stupid boy. Don't worry he will get whats coming to him. You say he makes you feel so happy but look at the way you feel now its a lesson in life try to feel out someones personally better before you get intimate with them
not calling him would help, if you can. try to look at it this way, did u learn something from anything from the relationship?
Guys at that age seem to loose interest a lot sooner than older guys. They want to experience relationships, but something in their brain after awhile clicks and they actually do loose interest. It's not you as a person, or your looks, or how you are, it's a normal male reaction. This is why you don't give all out early in a young relationship.
This is part of the male mind. Scientifically. In the beginning they actually do feel what you do, but hormones get in the way and this changes. Just keep this in mind, you were what he wanted in the beginning and you still are that person. There is nothing in you that is worth rejecting. He is going through male hormones that cause him to do this. Guys this age are not emotionally mature enough to carry on a serious relationship after so long. This will eventually change and he will regret his decision.
But in the mean time. Care for yourself. You are not the problem here. You are all that and more. Yes he made you happy once, so can anyone for that matter. But he is not at the maturity level you are in relationships. He did this out of his own lack of maturity it's nothing you have done. Go find yourself a guy who is more mature emotionally. Yes you can love again.
I waited 40 years and finally found the one. Yeah it was a long time for me, but all those years I had many relationships, some were good, some not so good. It's all a part of learning. It will get easier.
And for you it probably wont take you as long as it did me. I purposely took time away from the dating scene for many years. For myself. Not cause I wanted to, but because I needed to.
It's expected that you'd feel attached to the first person you were with, and being that it just ended last week. But you need to get a grip. You said yourself he used you. He doesn't care about your feelings because he never really did care about you. Everyone gets over it the same, with time, so stop calling him and begging him to take you back. It doesn't matter how nice you were if he was using you.
aah ... theres someone else in his life ....!!!
you need to move on ...its was kind of one sided love....
and about using you ...thats a creepy thought ....whats if he has never looked at you in a lover kind of way..??that whats life is move on ...
date other guys
happy dating ;
oh man, this is the same story with me, and i so happen to be 17 too. But in this case i'm you, I try calling the girl. she used to be into me but i guess i tried too hard and i was too eager to both of us. He probably has been heartbroken way too many times and does not want to go through the same thing again.
no one uses you unless you give them the pleasure. 4 months usually is a time where you know if your into a person or not. i dated someone for 5 months and the guy fell in love with me but i didn't feel the same way. he was lucky that every time he lead me in a conversation tours how i felt , i was always 100% honest. dry your tears and walk with your head up high. at that moment that he told you those things, he probably meant them and in time he realize he didn't and just like that he let you go. lucky for you , some guys drag you along until you notice he doesn't care.i know it hurts but as soon as you try to make sense of it, your realize it was best for you.
this is what we do when were young. your going to have to be strong what doesn't kill you just makes you stronger.. don't take him back all he will want is sex and play you again and again.. no matter what he says don't take him back... wait till your older and find someone serious
Look first of all ur jst 16 yr old, I've been through that too and I know exactly how u feel, the problem is that when someone doesnt want to be w/ us we can't force them 2 stay and love us. Is just like that ur young and u have to realize that there are lots of guys in the world and at ur age ur gonna find some1 who cares for you, and I know but no matter how many guys you meet at this time but I'm pretty sure that no matter how many boys u've love w/ all ur heart ur gonna have 2 wait 4 the right one and when u find him or when u find each other ur gonna say its time. by the moment try to have funn do new things play games, talk to ur friends and don't think about him cuz ur gonna hurt urself more and more its not worth it belive me.
He didn't really love you, don't you see?
Force yourself to forget him, don't ask him back. He's gone.
Don't be alone at home and suffering.
Be with you friends, school colleagues...
Choose some kind of sport or some hobby.
Start with something absolutely new that would occupied you at new way, something creative.
Don't giveup! Life is good.
You have a good life ahead of you. It will take time to get over him. Don't hang on to something that don't want to be hung on to. He is nothing more then a learning experience that will make you stronger with your feelings in the future. I explain this to my own Daughter that she shouldn't worry too much about relationships at such a young age. She should concentrate on her schooling and once in college it may be better for her. At this age boys don't know what they want, they like testing the waters. Girls mature alot faster than boys.... Just keep your head high and Mr.Right will come along some day. In the mean time, Look towards your Career, Don't let this make you loose focus... BTW im a guy...
You must give me more info on the man that dumped you in order to give you advice.
You need to get some hobbies and not sweat this guy so much. Find someone else.
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