Sunday, August 22, 2010

Need advice from GUyS but girls help too!?

Okay so i recently stopped talked to my ex boyfriend like 3 weeks ago not because i wanted to but because he said i wasn't willing to do enough for him (sex). so i was like in a whatever F*ck him attitude till today after 3 weeks of not talking to him he calls my house phone asking for some other person. ( he doesnt know i have caller id) anyways i dont know what to do should i call him?

I wonder what is going on in his head he knows my cell phone number so i dont get it why doesn't he just call me. What do i do i like him but im not willing to have sex with him just to make him happy.Need advice from GUyS but girls help too!?
Well..first off...';im not willing to have sex with him just to make him happy.'; good for you =] FINALLY, a girl with dignity and the strenght to keep their standards =] with that said...for a guy to get upset over sex...thats ridiculous...because a relationship is NOTHING about SEX...YES....making love is part of a relationship....but many men (and women) dont see this....they tend to not see the real purpose of sex....not COMPLETELY for satisfaction...but the ultimate union between man and women...when two souls become point is, is a man can't respect you....than he doesn't deserve your call...if you feel like maybe you want to try again...then talk to him about the problem...and it REALLY means a lot to him...than thats when you know....he's not the one....because when you love a women, you'll respect her decisionsNeed advice from GUyS but girls help too!?
Well for one, don't waste your time he should like you for who you are and if he doesn't then why should you put effort into satisfying him, he most likely called you to play a mind game with you trying to get into your pants soon because no one else will and because you guys were close he most likely feels you may be the easiest one for him to get with or he likes the hard to get
You are in control of your body.I know you probably watch alot of chick flicks where the guy has sex with the girl on the first date but that's written by drug addicted hippie screen play writers.I know I live here in California pot and drugs everywhere and hollywood eating it all up with crazy sex fantasy ideas towards relationships.

If all u are is a sex object to him then talk to him about it if he doesn't listen then break off the relationship.Theres plenty of fish in the sea.
good for you. i think its incredibly awesome and mature that you're not willing to have sex with a guy just to make him happy. you'll come across some guys like that. Just know that those kind of people aren't good enough for you and will probably dump you the moment they've gotten what they wanted (sex). I know you still have feelings for him but from the way it sounds, he's not worth them.
lol. if you dont wanna have sex with him... and he wants it. then the relationship is doomed so move on.

but seriously girl. if you like the guy, why wouldnt you have more sex with him...

if you expect every boyfriend to be a total prince and mr. perfect, but you wont blow him or something... then you are in for a life of loneliness.
Find some man who doesn't care about sex. HAHA. So start dating chicks.

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